Dear Texas Monthly Readers,

You’ve probably noticed that in recent months we’ve been providing more and more daily news and analysis, in addition to great style and food and travel coverage. We’re covering everything from our southern border to the legislature; from reviews of new restaurants and BBQ joints to the latest works from Texas musicians and authors and artists. This is all in addition to the fine work that appears first in our print magazine.

Starting today, February 20, readers will begin to see something else new on our site. We’re asking those who read our work online to do what our print subscribers have done for 46 years: subscribe to Texas Monthly and become part of our vibrant community of readers and storytellers.


We’re making this request through a new metered paywall, of the type you’ve no doubt seen on other news websites that you enjoy. It will require those of you who are not now subscribers to Texas Monthly to become subscribers if you wish to read more than two stories a month.

We’ve studied the experiences of others who publish across print and online platforms, and we believe that our new paywall will enable us to further expand the quality journalism and timely, must-read storytelling that have brought readers—and national magazine awards—to Texas Monthly since our founding.

How will the paywall work?

  • Print subscribers will have full access to everything on our site, including a deep archive of stories by world-class feature writers like Skip Hollandsworth and Mimi Swartz. You can register your subscription for online access here.
  • Those of you who are non-subscribers will be able to read two stories a month for free. Then you will be asked to buy a subscription, or to sign up with your email address for a free 10-day trial. After the trial ends, you will again be asked to subscribe for an attractive price: our introductory offer is $1 a month for website access; $1.25 for website access plus the print magazine.

We welcome your about our magazine, website, and live events—including about the stories you’d like to see us cover next. If you have any questions about the paywall or your subscription, please take a look at our frequently asked questions. More information about how to reach us can be found here.


Thanks again for your interest in Texas Monthly. If you already subscribe, you have our warmest thanks. If you don’t yet subscribe, we hope that you’ll do so today. Each subscription represents a vital investment in quality journalism and vivid storytelling about our fascinating and fast-changing state.



Dan Goodgame

Editor in Chief