
Prudence Mackintosh

Prudence Mackintosh's Profile Photo

Prudence Mackintosh is one of a circle of writers closely associated with Texas Monthly. She was a contributing editor from the magazine’s inception, in 1973, and her work has continued to appear in its pages for five decades. She gained a loyal following with her observations on social rites of passage for Texas women and her essays on the rearing of three boys. In 1976 she received a Penney-Missouri Award for excellence in lifestyle journalism. Her work has appeared in several national magazines and is anthologized in college writing texts. She is the author of four books: Thundering Sneakers, Retreads, Sneaking Out, and Just As We Were. She coauthored Great American Suburbs: The Homes of the Park Cities.

Born in Texarkana, Mackintosh grew up in the newspaper office of the Texarkana Gazette & Daily News, where her father was the editor and, for a time, her mother was a reporter, proofreader, and women’s editor. Her older brother became a television journalist. She attended Texarkana public schools and spent a pivotal summer at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. Her college summers were spent working in Washington, D.C., including a 1965 stint in the White House. She graduated from the University of Texas in 1966. Mackintosh lives in Dallas with her attorney husband. Their three grown sons now live in Dallas and Austin. For eight years (2010–2017) she taught a nonfiction writing class for liberal arts honors students at UT. She continues to write for Texas Monthly sporadically as a writer-at-large.

60 Articles

February 28, 2013

In Search of Van Cliburn

He was a world-renowned piano prodigy whose romanticism and technical virtuosity inspired thousands and famously helped thaw the Cold War. But as a visit to his hometown of Kilgore made clear to me, Van Cliburn was also a Texan, a Southerner, a Baptist, a patriot, and a man who loved

Prudence Mackintosh|
April 30, 2012

Dear Jane

My mother-in-law knew how to sew, keep an immaculate house, and dress stylishly. In short, she was nothing like the unpolished young woman who married her son. Perhaps that’s why we loved each other so much.

The Culture|
September 30, 2011

Neighborhood Association

Why would anybody take a charming place like Highland Park, tear down the nice old homes, build new fortresses, gradually drain the neighborly spirit, and call that progress? Don’t ask me. I don’t get it either.

September 30, 2002

Boys Will Be Boys

Why has it taken so long for my sons to get married? Is it the wet towels mildewing on their apartment floors? The pocket change accumulating on every flat surface? Or is it that I've given them a skewed idea of what women expect?

April 1, 1991

College Tries

Leave college application to the kids? Not when other parents hire SAT coaches and speech writers for theirs.

December 1, 1981

Kids and Money

Children today understand brand names like Izod and concepts like “rip-off,” but they don’t understand that some things—the best things—can’t be bought.

November 1, 1980

Free Agent

Nostalgic daddies think of schoolboy football as good, clean fun. But kids soon realize it’s more like corporal punishment.

March 1, 1979

The Ice Cometh, Man

Trees came crashing down, power lines writhed on the ground, the lights went out, and the heat went off. It was Dallas’ trial by ice.

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