Back in May, Kristen Tribe, an assistant editor at the Wise County Messenger, pointed out that the Lufkin Daily News’ Police Blotter, which is regularly highlighted here at the TM Daily Post, isn’t the only absurd chronicler of crime in the state. We immediately took a look at December through April of her paper’s blotter, and agreed. The crime of this rural area near the Metroplex was quirky. But was it just a fluke?  You be the judge. On Monday, we brought you items from the blotter from May through July. Read this selection of happenings from August through October:

August 1
“A woman was upset because a tow truck was parked at her neighbor’s house.”

August 1
“A woman reported that her neighbors are playing sexually-oriented games.”


August 3

“A looted automatic-teller machine was discovered beneath a bridge just north of Decatur.

August 4

“A homeowner in Alvord reported they found a knife in their yard that an unknown suspect had used to cut branches off plants in the garden.”


August 6

“A woman reported that her puppy died.”

August 16

“A bathtub was stolen from a residence near Bridgeport.”


August 20

“A woman reported that her soon-to-be ex-stepdaughter was stealing a wheelchair from her home. Deputies discovered the girl had permission from her father to take the handicap accessory.”

“A woman was ‘mooned’ by a male neighbor.”August 24
“Neighbors in Newark got into an argument after one started hitting golf balls at his neighbor’s house.”
“A woman’s boyfriend attempted suicide by hitting himself in the head with a hammer. He failed.”
“A 16-year-old boy became upset after his grandmother told him he couldn’t fix a doorknob.”

August 30
“A 4-year-old boy was upset because he couldn’t wake up his dad.”

September 5
“A tractor was stolen from a business.”

September 7
“A man said he was threatened by an intoxicated landlord.”

September 10
“A daughter got into an argument with her mom while they were traveling in a car. The daughter jumped out of the car at the intersection and wouldn’t get back in.”

September 10

“A woman in Greenwood reported that someone threw a chair through her window.”

September 12
“Unknown suspects stole some gravel.”

“A woman got into a verbal dispute with people who were throwing limbs into her creek.”

September 13
“A man reported that his grandfather was upset at him for playing video games all night.”

September 19
“A Newark woman reported a possible scam. She said an unknown suspect told her if she sent money to a specified location she could receive a ‘stimulus package.'”

September 22
“Parents complained that their daughter was making a racket.”
“A man reported that a woman he didn’t know started following him in her car. She continued to follow him all the way home and started yelling at him for no particular reason.”

September 22

“A couple got into an argument over alcohol.”

“Another couple got into an argument over alcohol.”

September 22

“A man showed up at the emergency room of Wise Regional Health System in Decatur. He said someone struck him over the head with a beer bottle while dancing at Ruben’s Ballroom outside of town.”

September 25
“A woman complained that the neighbor’s kid was sitting inside her car.”

September 27
“A man found a bag of mail underneath a bridge.”

October 2
“A man said someone suffering from road rage followed him to a gas station in Paradise and slapped him in the face.”

October 4
“A 12-year-old boy went bananas and refused to mind his parents.”

October 4
“Someone reported a tangle of boys fighting. It turned out to be boys play wrestling.”

October 5
“A man was upset his neighbor’s cats were on his property.”

October 5
“A man was arguing with his daughters over stuff.”

October 5
“Truck drivers got into an argument over cutting in line at a gravel plant in Bridgeport.”

October 8
“A woman reported that her children are ruining hunting season.”

October 13
“Horse feces was put in someone’s mailbox. “

October 24
“A woman couldn’t get hold of her husband on the phone.”

October 28
“A soon-to-be ex-husband was found hiding out in a barn on the property after being asked to leave the premises.”

October 30

“A couple got into an argument about driving habits.”

October 31
“A tenant getting evicted from his home near Boyd got into an argument with his landlord over ownership of a go-cart.”